Sunday, January 23, 2011

Obsessive Computer Disorder

So, it's happened. I've finally gotten to a point where I actually find myself bored on the internet and so I go back and forth between various sites and wait until they update with something to listen to/read/watch. This is a serious problem that is going to fuck up the next generation pretty badly, I mean especially for the ones that work on a computer all day like me and the rest of the people at Neumont do. I always harp on the stupidity of Facebook users that do this, so I guess they can all have a good laugh at me realizing that I'm doing exactly the same thing. But I'm the better person because I recognize this as a negative thing....right?

I'm torn between the ideas that this obsession with technology and computers is a negative thing... or that it's simply just the evolution of our race. Who decides that working all day on a computer is a terrible thing or a good thing? I feel exactly the same health-wise, but maybe I'll go for a walk today anyways.

It'll be nice to get back to Anguilla again, but I keep remembering the spiders on my ceiling and scorpions on the floor, something that I really don't miss living in my Utah apartment. But as I'm only going back for 15 or so days, It'll be fine and I'm comforted in the reminder that my family and friends are there and it's also a FREAKING TROPICAL PARADISE! I'm sure my excitement will build when I get closer to March, but I laugh at anyone who thinks that I would want to live there after I finish school... I've had my fill of Anguilla, thank you!

Looking most forward to the summer, (like everyone is) getting to spend time with my family and going to Wilcofest is fantastic but getting to spend time with both my family and Sarah at Wilcofest? That's even better. I'm debating about posting my winter pictures on Facebook... I really don't like that site but I'll begrudgingly admit that it does have a very simple and clean system for sharing pictures and people on there will appreciate them, I think.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Breakdancing Helicopters and Various Thoughts on Life So Far

I was thinking to myself, "Scout, you need a way to procrastinate doing this studying and you have thousands of thoughts firing through your synapses... write a journal!" Then I realized that I started a blog as a way do that, so here I am again.

Let's recap the good old life from the ripe old age of 18 because I want to....

Years spent in Carlisle were interesting but HOLY SHIT are they boring in comparison to the later years! I miss certain things from East Louther St though: I miss Greta, I miss my trampoline, I miss the Au Pairs, I miss the Koi Pond, I miss Empire which is very strange considering it wasn't even mine, but such good memories from there... branching off of Empire is: Halloween, My First Walkman, The Reptiles above, Pastry Chefs and snacks as the son of the chef, Lemmings on ye old Macintosh in the basement, Christmas Parties and New Year's Eve in the limo, the "Eat It Raw" plate that inexplicably rooted itself in my memories. I miss my old schools and the "friends" that I had there, I miss my REAL friends: Robin and Robert. I miss certain places in Carlisle: Scales - cheese fries, Party City - fun place, GameStop - my old haven, Blockbuster and Video Update - Got my first Nintendo 64 (emotional and beautiful time for me), Last but not least... All the trips around the world from the Parents and Grandparents: Mexico, St Lucia, Kenya, Dominican Republic... Awesome times.

The Anguilla years were a weird time for me, most recent ones obviously before the latest Utah stint. When I first heard about us moving to Anguilla, I was skeptical not for the idea but for fact that my parents were actually going to do it. Then when it happened I was ecstatic and all sorts of thrilled. Now looking back at it I ask myself... "Do you still feel that way?" Shockingly, yes I do still feel that way. I learned to deal with various obstacles that no one in Carlisle would ever need to deal with... I consider this a very good thing that I got the experience and the people that I met may not be tailored as the best people for me, but damn of they weren't amazing and wonderful each in their own way. I got over the novelty of the beaches and the sand in about a year, which was surprising for me. Now I am quite sure that when I go back for a bit after living here (Utah) for a while, the novelty will return. I learned a large amount about the world while in Anguilla, I grew up. I learned more about: drugs, relationships, depression, videogames, sailing, boats, friends, food, people, cultures, happiness, animals, phobias, weather and a lack of power. I became aware of how influential I was to my younger brother and sister and they taught me patience and responsibility as only siblings can. I suffered a mental breakdown from dealing with people that did not agree with me and anything that I stood for... I was consciously miserable for the first time in my life. I built friendships with children on the island and got a dose of how things worked there, some people were kind and helpful, others did not like me and I did not like them back. I watched my parents and also for the first time I could actually understand how many things in life they had to deal with as well and this affected me. The CIA years were a blur but some faces and memories do peer out of that cloud of smoke. Lee was my first friend in the beginning of that school when I foolishly ostracized myself from my classmates, he stuck with me the entire time and I won't forget him. CIA grew to accept my presence as I grew to accept the people there and eventually I felt at ease, the children riding on the boat with me will always be remembered, especially Noah, Tess and Yuki who were my three main compatriots. Dinners at Veya were magnificent and my friends were equally as memorable, we held friendly conversations and laughs that will be remembered. The last year at CIA was interesting... though I tried to convince myself that I didn't enjoy school, it simply was not the truth. I do miss the people there and the environment, though I didn't think I would. Sharing a meal and relaxing with my classmates after our finals was one of the biggest memories of my time there and I relish that one. The time between finishing school and going to Neumont has turned itself into a very memorable time for a few reasons: Having my wisdom teeth removed, visiting Utah, Having my cousin come to Anguilla (good/bad times), meeting Sarah Clydesdale (Yes, I honestly put that one under memorable), Going to France, Returning for my final moments on Anguilla and my final Skype conversations with Sarah where we realized how similar we truly were and are. And then it was on to Utah.

Neumont and my current life... Getting to the end of this chapter finally. My parents and I flew down to Neumont, they spent a few days here where I got to see them for the last time and then they got into the rental car and left. Make no mistake, I'm not trying to be whiny or emotional here... It's just how it happened. So thus began my life at Neumont and again I just feel older as a person. That may have to do with my rapidly accelerating relationship with Sarah, finally I met someone worth caring about... That was a massive accomplishment for me. School has been a mix of relevant and irrelevant... but the ratio of Assholes is much lower at Neumont so that is a very good thing. People are just more intelligent there.

So... I just tried to sum up my life so far. That was interesting but really not the whole story... just a snippet of the highlights, but it works. It feels really nice to be writing again and I have a feeling that my blog shall be reinstated due to the enjoyment that I get from writing. Am I crazy? Maybe, but my life feels so ALIVE right now... It's immensely satisfying.

Ok, well this seems like a good place to quit for now... whoever does read this, congrats and I hope that you enjoyed this little window into my life... I needed someone to see it.

Oh and the title? Purely formed from my roommate's hijinks! They know how to make a day interesting.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Thoughts on the U.S

Been a while since I have updated this blog.

Well I'm back and i have a shit load of things to complain about, Yay Me!

Why do people waste so much food here?
All the meal portions are massive and most people don't even eat all the food that they are given. I mean I understand that I don't eat nearly as much food as some people here and some people actually use their leftovers and kudos to them, but THE WASTE IS MASSIVE. Restaurants here are borderlining insane in my book with their portions and their massive menus. People need some choices but we are quickly becoming rediculous, I am looking at all those 5 page menus out there. Also why do some many people use fake sugars or diet sodas? If they were really worried about the calories they should just not drink soda or have sugar in their teas and what not. People in this country have given themselves many choices for EVERYTHING and I can understand that logic, but people, you have taken it TOO FAR. Consumerism Rules America. I Urge All To Fight Back.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Day #6

Attention to all who participate in "Space Monkeying"! STOP IMMEDIATELY!

When I turned on my MSN today I saw an interesting article about a 15 year old son that has died from the dreaded "choking game". Now before I rant I am deeply sorry that people have died from this but..... THE FUCK PEOPLE?!?
Are people really so stupid that they have invented a game where the object is to choke yourselves? Really? And the names! Oh my lord the names that people have given this scourge, parents are advocating that you check your son's and daughter's webpages for any signs of these words.

Airplaning, America Dream Game, Black Boxing, Black Out Game, Breath Play, Breathing the Zoo, Bum Rushing, California Blackout, California Choke, California Dreaming, California Headrush, California High, California Knockout, Catching Some Zs, Choking Game, Cloud Nine, Crank, Dream Game, Dreaming Game, Dying game, Fall Out Game, Flat Liner, Flatline Game, Flatliner Game, Funky Chicken, Getting Passed Out, Grandma's Boy, Groobling, Halloween, Harvey Wall Banger, High Riser, Hoola Hooping, Hyperventilation Game, Indian Headrush, Knockout Game, Passing Out Game, Pass-out Game, Purple Dragon, Natural High, Neckies, Redline, Rising Sun, Rocket Ride, Sandboxing, Sleeper Hold, Sleepers, Space Monkey, Speed Dreaming, Suffocation Game, Suffocation Roulette, The Game, The Mysto World, Tingling Game, Trip to Heaven

Well sorry to all the potential pilots, surgeons, boxers,indians, californians, americans and Hoola Hoopers out there.... you are about to be Chewed Out!

Out of all the reasons to die from... the choking game?
I bet when/if you go to heaven God reads out "died from playing the choking game" and just FUCKING LAUGHS HARD.

This makes Pot look like a Nobel Prize Winning Idea!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 5

be thankful that you are smarter than this guy.

That is all for today.
Call me cheap all you like.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day #4

Henceforth: It has been decreed that the blog shall only be written on weekdays!

More morning gripes.
Now of course my IPOD is engineered as a bomb! It makes perfect sense! If my IPOD breaks from the radiation from the
xray machine, I'm sueing The Anguilla Government and Apple! I NEED MONEY! OK?

Why do people not care anymore?
Why are some people so STUPID?
Why are people so paranoid?
So critical of others?
I want legitimate answers. please enlighten me.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 3

Why do some so called "gangster" shirts have objects covered in gemstones and rhinestones? Isn't that a little messed up?
To me that screams I'm flamboyantly gay or i am secretly wanting to be a woman! And the things that i have seen covered in said rhinestones range from the retarded
to the neurotic.

Yet another rant about my morning. Why now do I have to NOT put my bag in a bin for the xray but now have to show my passport?
OK so now I'm a ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT who is trying to blow up the ferry or St Martin. Do the customs people really have nothing better to do? Can't they at least
do the same thing everyday and not some new routine?

Why do people in my class beat on the desks rhythmically? And people say that we are evolving? HAH!
What a joke! Devolving more like. From apes to humans and now back to apes.

Why is Air Conditioning such a big deal? I don't have it at my house and I'm perfectly fine. Whereas in school if someone turns it 2 degrees up, the class goes into an uproar! And when the power goes out and there is no AC? My god, i have never heard more bitching and moaning from a class in all my years of school. I think slowly humans are losing the ability to adapt, and it's all our own fault. I want to go 1 day at school without turning on the AC to just see what happens, it would be extremely entertaining i think.