Monday, July 20, 2009

Thoughts on the U.S

Been a while since I have updated this blog.

Well I'm back and i have a shit load of things to complain about, Yay Me!

Why do people waste so much food here?
All the meal portions are massive and most people don't even eat all the food that they are given. I mean I understand that I don't eat nearly as much food as some people here and some people actually use their leftovers and kudos to them, but THE WASTE IS MASSIVE. Restaurants here are borderlining insane in my book with their portions and their massive menus. People need some choices but we are quickly becoming rediculous, I am looking at all those 5 page menus out there. Also why do some many people use fake sugars or diet sodas? If they were really worried about the calories they should just not drink soda or have sugar in their teas and what not. People in this country have given themselves many choices for EVERYTHING and I can understand that logic, but people, you have taken it TOO FAR. Consumerism Rules America. I Urge All To Fight Back.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Day #6

Attention to all who participate in "Space Monkeying"! STOP IMMEDIATELY!

When I turned on my MSN today I saw an interesting article about a 15 year old son that has died from the dreaded "choking game". Now before I rant I am deeply sorry that people have died from this but..... THE FUCK PEOPLE?!?
Are people really so stupid that they have invented a game where the object is to choke yourselves? Really? And the names! Oh my lord the names that people have given this scourge, parents are advocating that you check your son's and daughter's webpages for any signs of these words.

Airplaning, America Dream Game, Black Boxing, Black Out Game, Breath Play, Breathing the Zoo, Bum Rushing, California Blackout, California Choke, California Dreaming, California Headrush, California High, California Knockout, Catching Some Zs, Choking Game, Cloud Nine, Crank, Dream Game, Dreaming Game, Dying game, Fall Out Game, Flat Liner, Flatline Game, Flatliner Game, Funky Chicken, Getting Passed Out, Grandma's Boy, Groobling, Halloween, Harvey Wall Banger, High Riser, Hoola Hooping, Hyperventilation Game, Indian Headrush, Knockout Game, Passing Out Game, Pass-out Game, Purple Dragon, Natural High, Neckies, Redline, Rising Sun, Rocket Ride, Sandboxing, Sleeper Hold, Sleepers, Space Monkey, Speed Dreaming, Suffocation Game, Suffocation Roulette, The Game, The Mysto World, Tingling Game, Trip to Heaven

Well sorry to all the potential pilots, surgeons, boxers,indians, californians, americans and Hoola Hoopers out there.... you are about to be Chewed Out!

Out of all the reasons to die from... the choking game?
I bet when/if you go to heaven God reads out "died from playing the choking game" and just FUCKING LAUGHS HARD.

This makes Pot look like a Nobel Prize Winning Idea!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 5

be thankful that you are smarter than this guy.

That is all for today.
Call me cheap all you like.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day #4

Henceforth: It has been decreed that the blog shall only be written on weekdays!

More morning gripes.
Now of course my IPOD is engineered as a bomb! It makes perfect sense! If my IPOD breaks from the radiation from the
xray machine, I'm sueing The Anguilla Government and Apple! I NEED MONEY! OK?

Why do people not care anymore?
Why are some people so STUPID?
Why are people so paranoid?
So critical of others?
I want legitimate answers. please enlighten me.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 3

Why do some so called "gangster" shirts have objects covered in gemstones and rhinestones? Isn't that a little messed up?
To me that screams I'm flamboyantly gay or i am secretly wanting to be a woman! And the things that i have seen covered in said rhinestones range from the retarded
to the neurotic.

Yet another rant about my morning. Why now do I have to NOT put my bag in a bin for the xray but now have to show my passport?
OK so now I'm a ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT who is trying to blow up the ferry or St Martin. Do the customs people really have nothing better to do? Can't they at least
do the same thing everyday and not some new routine?

Why do people in my class beat on the desks rhythmically? And people say that we are evolving? HAH!
What a joke! Devolving more like. From apes to humans and now back to apes.

Why is Air Conditioning such a big deal? I don't have it at my house and I'm perfectly fine. Whereas in school if someone turns it 2 degrees up, the class goes into an uproar! And when the power goes out and there is no AC? My god, i have never heard more bitching and moaning from a class in all my years of school. I think slowly humans are losing the ability to adapt, and it's all our own fault. I want to go 1 day at school without turning on the AC to just see what happens, it would be extremely entertaining i think.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 2

Why on gods green earth do i have to put my bag in a bin to go through the xray?

Why do some christians try to impose their religion on others? it's just stupid.
I honestly think that if the people who wrote the original bible saw what Christianity has become they would be seriously ticked off.
I think the bible was written as some basic rules/morals for the time... and look at the monstrosities it has spawned.
Apparently the people who wrote it didn't think that the people of our time would be so RETARDED.
Another thing, Jesus knew that one apostle was going to kill him, Judas kisses him, and people called that the "kiss of death". OK fine. So WHY do some "true christians" have issues with homosexuality? IT MAKES NO SENSE.
And last but not least, Scientology? SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. Can you spell S-C-A-M? Sorry folks, but i don't buy a religion that's involved with aliens.
We shall see who is right when we die, should be pretty damn funny i think.

Everyone read the novel 1984. If you already have, GOOD. If you haven't, find a copy and get to it!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 1

Today i issue a plea to anyone who reads this blog, read 5 new novels.
It will make the world a better place.
5 new novels can give you a massive amount of new words for your vocabulary. This increases your intelligence. DO IT.

I find it so goddamn pathetic that people in my class cannot go 6 hours without checking Facebook. HONESTLY.

It sickens me when we have 15 minutes to read in a class and someone pulls out a magazine. You really have nothing better to read in class then a magazine? And even worse, a 15 page child's book. SERIOUSLY.

Lets get one thing straight....

These are MY views about everything else, not yours.
Don't complain.
Read and Enjoy.